Wednesday, January 29, 2014

High Schools Secret Life

High Schools Secret Life
The other day we read a story called High Schools Secret Life and it was very interesting to me. To my point of view it was very accurate to what real high school is in todays life. This story in my view was to show how high school students get there identity. What I found most interesting about this story was that it is true. what is said on how high schools get there identity. It all starts on who you hangout with, your outfit, if your smart or not, etc. This is no surprise at all, this is how high school is no a days. I would have to say I agree on what is said on how your identity comes out. Like stated the popular kids wear Abercrombie & Fitch and they more or less say run the school. The athletes are the kids with sports logo and baseball hats and run the halls like no other. This is true in high school or at least the high school I went too and what I have heard from my friends at other schools. It is very convincing with that supporting evidence to me at least. But there is also the other group that is in all high school, the druggies. Like stated in the story they are bunch of big kids that are class clowns not that athletic but are the druggies of the school. In conclusion of this article I would have to say that you make your own identity. No body makes it for you have to make it yourself and be who you want to be in life.