Monday, February 10, 2014

pic collage

For my picture collage I chose the 3 things that matter the most to me my family, close friends and football. All three of these things are real important to me in my life. My family is obviously the most important to me. they will always be behind my back no matter what I do. They have pushed me to go to college and to keep playing football. The most important person in my family is my mom tough. My mom is like my best friend I talk to her about everything an anything. She has had the most influence on me in every aspect of my life. I will love her no matter what forever.

The other two parts in my life are my friends and football. There are only so many people I actually call my friends and that I would trust my life with. My close friends are always there for me no matter what. I have three friends that are like brothers to me Dan, Spanky and mark. They are my brothers from another mother, they will do anything for me and I will do the same for them. They are my best friends and brothers for life. Then there is football, what would I do without it. Football to me is something that I love with the outmost passion. It is something that has and always will be with me. Their are no words to describe how much I love the game. I know I cant play forever but I will always have it in my life forever.


  1. I thought your three choices were really good. When writing your paper I would suggest giving examples of memories or events you have gone through with all three choices. Last, I thought including your love for football brought a piece of your identity out. This brought character and passion to your blog which will be good for the essay.

  2. Your explanation of family and friends blends together well and that will help keep your essay organized. You will probably have to expand on how football is important to you. Also try to explain if your family and friends support you and your sports career.
